Thursday, June 04, 2009


something like that.
monday:went to the pool to tan, met some badass people,full cooler, went to their place, party favors and goldshlager*....then jello shots and g star at my place. crashed hard.
tuesday:went to work for 4 hours, made jello shots, went with sammi mama and allycat to the black moth/seven belles show,wasted, saw lots of old friends(i think?) and danced our faces off. met randoms on rocks. then did some other fun things with my girls :)
wednesday:paid bills. worked till 10:30,went to my parents house to get shit, funny stuff, went to ally's for cj's birfday, lots of brew and wonder showzen and strange people. laughed laughed laughed. had wonderful talks with everyone.

life is good.
my dreams are bizarre.
work at 4 tomorrow
then early on friday, ish. FAT CHECK
find n grind on saturday with my kitten comes home! Geppetto
work all sunday
six flags (: :) cannot wait.
summer is vonderful.